We all need support from time to time. Money shouldn't get in the way.

Our nonprofit is working to change who has access to mental health support in the U.S.

New name Same mission

We changed our name from Therapy4thePeople to Healwise because helping people make wise decisions about their care is at the heart of what we do.


Our mission is to reduce common barriers to accessing mental health care in the U.S., especially for people of color and people who are struggling financially.


Inspire and empower every American to improve their mental health.
our story

Started by experts
in mental health

Our nonprofit was founded in spring 2020 by three PhD students in mental health. In just a few months, the COVID-19 pandemic had exposed and exacerbated deep inequities in mental healthcare.

People of color and low-income folks have long experienced barriers to accessing mental health services. In a time of even greater need for support, these communities were least likely to receive it. Our work began with a Google Sheet and Form, where we invited mental health professionals and researchers to submit affordable mental health services.

In January 2021, we launched therapy4thepeople.org, a full website with a searchable service directory and educational articles. In fall 2023, we rebranded to Healwise and launched healwise.org, a more stable, usable, and buildable website.

Our work targets some of the biggest barriers to accessing mental health support.

High costs of care

The cost of therapy can feel out of reach for most people. That’s why we’re building a platform of free and low-cost mental health supports, inclusive of therapy and other affordable options.
Find Support

A confusing mental health system

Many people get so lost in the mental health system that they don’t ever get the help they need. Our education hub and platform offer information that helps you navigate services with less stress and more success.

A lack of culturally sensitive care

Everyone deserves to work with a mental health provider who respects and understands them. This can be hard to find for people of color and members of other marginalized groups. Our education hub offers guidance on how to find services that are sensitive to your unique needs.
our team

People behind the organization

Ashley Castro, PhD

Executive Director and Co-Founder
Board President

Ricardo Bilton, MBA

Director of Marketing and Communications
Board Member

Jared Wigdor

Director of Fundraising and Finance
Board Member, Treasurer

Tony R. Meyer, Jr., JD

Director of Legal and Compliance
Board Member

Rohit Shah, MS

Director of Product
Board Member

Samantha Nau, MA

Service Listings Manager

Monica Estrada

Community Engagement Specialist

Harlee Onovbiona

Community Engagement Specialist

Tali Ball, PhD

Head of Research

Kaelyn Rohm

Program Manager